*Please note: Re-vision does not meet for their regular, monthly meeting in June, July, & August
Re-vision is a community of Christ followers who are 50+.
Its purpose is to help individuals and the group to find and take up the adventure of revisioning this mile marker in life. We may be retired, empty-nesting, downsizing, close to retired, part-time, experiencing changes in life, having a new position, or even recently moving to the area. We have so much in common and we believe Christians grow best in community. Generally we have experienced a few bumps along the process of life. We can be a support and encouragement to each other as grasp all that God has for us in this season of life. As the following of Jesus is a lifelong journey, we realize God’s call in our lives involves revisioning at this level. You are invited!
There are currently no special events. Come back later!