Day 31: Jason Kelley

Revelation 3:20
"Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me."

When I moved here from Alabama, one of the things I asked the Good Lord was, “Here I am Lord, will You use me?” I then met Pastor Dave on many morning coffee meetings and then met with Pastor James at the church Round Room. Such great men of our Heavenly Father; (Thank ya Jesus; pour the Holy Ghost on them with rapid-fire scripture and Your thoughts.)
The Lord let me know that just like the paralytic man, I needed four Godly pillars, that would lower me through a roof to the feet of Jesus when I needed it. I met Mike, George, Paul, Bryan, Bob, Scott, and others very quickly. I asked for four, but God gave me more. He does that!
I was invited to the bi-weekly Tuesday morning Quaker-style prayer meeting at Grace Chapel led by Pastor Dave. Sitting with these Godly men is so surreal. Not only do I feel the presence of our God and our Savior, but if you could imagine the scene of sitting with the Apostles in the upper room, that’s what I feel. (So blessed, thank ya again Jesus.)
When I started a part-time job at a Bedminster franchise, I met this man. I will refer to him as “E”.  “E” had the appearance of something great that was masked with a lot of weight, clutter and loaded down with burden. What a heavy load he was bearing. I learned that he, like myself at one time, had become a prodigal son. I knew that my new position had allowed me to freely speak to “E” of our God.  I had a few conversations with “E” and I knew that I had to tell him that God wasn’t done with him. So I did!  I told him that God is calling him back, no matter what his past was. God is clearly calling all of His prodigals back.
“E” later revealed that he was once a worship leader in a church around 10 years ago, and a pastor. Things happen. (God take all of these things and do your wonders, I prayed). We discussed some of the greatest worship music ever produced. The Holy Spirit laid one of my favorite scriptures into my heart so I didn’t hesitate; I shared it with “E”.
Fast forward a few weeks and “E” comes up to me and says, “Jason, I remembered you quoted Judges 6:12 when we first met, and so, I want you to know, I told my brother the other day that I’m going back to God’s house and you, brother, are going with me.”
“E”, in tears, said he could feel the prayers of those from Grace Chapel and in my home. He said he wanted to tell me he could feel those Tuesday morning prayers and the other prayers. But every time he tried to tell me, his emotions welled up and he couldn’t get the words out. Eventually he did.
God you are amazing! There is so much more to this great story and I will be glad to share what I can if I’m ever prompted. Please pray for “E” as he responds to God calling him back to be the warrior and man of valor he was created to be.  And be sure, he feels those prayers. Until then, To God be ALL the glory and honor forever.
As Mike once said in our quaker-style, Holy Ghost meeting; let our names be written on the wanted posters of our true enemy in hell. Wanted dead or alive, we will join a thousand angles fall face down on the floor echoing, Holy is the Lord.
Thank you, Grace Chapel and New Jersey!
"Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your teachings and Your blessing. Thank You for my wife, Rebecca. Be with our families, our church, and in our personal relationships with Jesus Christ."

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