Day 22: Tara Mezzasalma

Galatians 6:2
“Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.”

What happens when prayer remains unanswered?  Heartbreaking circumstances unchanged?
This is where I find myself since my last boast in the Lord. Actually, this is the boat I’ve been in for years. But here is what has changed; I no longer bear the impossible weight of the burden. Situationally everything is the same.  Actually, this past year brought more heartache, but it opened my eyes to the Lord’s placement of the “Aaron and Hurs” in my life.
I’ve always been struck with this portion of scripture. The Israelites are attacked by the Amalekites.  Yet as long as Moses keeps his hands held up, the Israelites keep winning, but whenever he lowers his hands, the Amalekites start winning. It wasn’t a quick victory as Moses grows tired; struggling (actually failing) to keep his own hands held up for so long.  Oh how I know that feeling! The place where contending in battle has you bone weary.
BUT... Moses wasn’t on that hill alone- insert Aaron and Hur. They see Moses’ weariness; they see the impossible burden for him to keep his hands up for so long.  So what do they do?  They step in and help!  They pull up a stone for him to sit, AND these men hold up Moses’ hands for him; one on each side “so that his [Moses] hands remained steady until sunset.” (Exodus 17:12). The result?  The Israelites win the battle. What an incredible example of bearing one another’s burdens!
And here’s the thing, Moses didn’t get a pass on his responsibility to remain faithful during the struggle. The responsibility to see it through wasn’t handed off to Aaron and Hur.  Did Moses’ arms burn?  Was there still pain in the process?  YES!  But Moses still had the burden of ownership.  Yet in a plea before God, when the burden was too great to bear alone, Aaron and Hur stepped in to aid their brother so they all could be victorious together.
Last year I wrote about barely holding on to hope. And it’s been a year of choosing to fight against hopelessness. I’ve had to determine to praise the Lord despite the circumstances. This year I write still awaiting the answer to the same prayer. But the impossible weight of it all has been carried with friends who won’t let me drop my arms. They have pulled up a stone for me to sit. They have sat with me while I cried. They have listened to me rant in anger. But… they’ve taken up a stance on each side and held my arms because they are believing WITH me, contending WITH me for the answered prayer. Oh how grateful I am!
We were not meant to walk this life alone. We were designed for community. May you find your Aaron and Hur. Not those who will give empty platitudes of “praying for you”, nor the ones who will try to just take your burden from you either.  Find the ones who will stand with you, bearing some of the weight in their refusal to let your arms fall.  Don’t wait for them to find you.  Start a prayer meeting, create an environment that tangibly meets needs and genuinely covers things in prayer together. Be the model. Bear WITH one another.
"Lord, thank you for the gift of fellowship. Thank you for those who both celebrate with us and contend for us. In the struggles of life may we be a community of “Aaron and Hurs”; a community that pulls up a stone and grabs hold of a hand. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen."

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