Day 21: Danielle Yang

Psalms 34:7-8  
“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”

The night of January 21, 2023 started off as a normal night. But around 3am, my mom and I were woken up by a loud crash. She went downstairs to check out the noise, and I rolled over in bed, still half asleep. Moments later, I heard her scream my dad’s name. Now wide awake, I ran downstairs to find my dad lying at the bottom of the stairs, unresponsive, barely breathing, and bleeding profusely from a head injury. Those moments when I was cradling my dad’s head in my hands, watching the blood spread across the floor, felt like an eternity. And then I heard my mom cry out the name of Jesus.
You know those moments during a thunderstorm?  When it’s just you, warm and safe in your room?  While safe on the inside, there’s a storm roaring outside, seemingly moving in slow motion? But while your eyes are fixated on the storm- your surroundings begin to blur and it’s just you and the rain? That was how it felt the moment Jesus’ name was spoken by my mom. In that moment, we knew we were not alone. Our surroundings blurred- and we were fixed upon the presence of Jesus in our storm.  Just like it was in that boat with the disciples and the storm; suddenly with Jesus there, they had peace. The surroundings didn’t matter- they knew (and we knew) things would be ok.
All I can tell you now is that the Lord carried us through the entire ordeal — calling 911 (you’d think I’d know how to call 911, being 911and all, but no). Being the provider to my own dad, and the agonizing wait as he was admitted to the ICU, I had to work on keeping focused.  God gave us an incredible church family who checked in on us, prayed without ceasing, and spoke in faith for my dad’s healing.
Three days later, after a broken neck, broken rib, and brain bleed, my father WALKED out of the hospital! My dad has always been my hero — his infectious joy, steadfast trust in God, and humility, continue to inspire me. I am forever indebted to God and in awe of Him for sparing my dad’s life and giving him such an incredible testimony.
So we boast of His faithfulness, of His healing, and of His omnipotent power! When we fight our battles on our knees, we win every time. It’s not to say that the rest of 2023 was easy. The Word says that “in this world you WILL have trouble.” I have never grieved as much as I have this past year, nor struggled with provider-guilt as much as I did, not only with my dad’s accident, but with quite a few tough calls throughout the year.
I have been in the medical field for about four years now, and in medicine, you are taught how to save, to prolong life, to bring hope. But you are not taught what to do and how to feel when you become familiar with death. I have learned that to truly live is to live with heaven in mind. There is nothing more captivating than to wake up each morning and choose to live each breath for His glory, to pour out completely and without hesitation to those He has called us to serve, and to love like Jesus — for to celebrate life is to celebrate the One who has conquered death. The most beautiful part of death is that there is life. “But take heart, I HAVE overcome the world!”
I continue to boast of His goodness. For in sickness, He is the Healer; in sorrow, He is acquainted with our grief; and in death, He is everlasting life. And for those that continue on this side of eternity, hope becomes that much sweeter. Even darkness waits with baited breath for the coming of dawn. “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” - Psalms 34:7-8
"Lord, You are holy, You are all-powerful, and You are worthy of our praise. I relinquish control in the areas of my life I am seeking to control, and I surrender it all to You. Teach me to live every breath for Your glory, so that when others see me, they see You in me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen."

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