After the Locusts

Joel 2:23-26 (emphasis mine!)
v. 22bBe GLAD, people of Zion,
v. 23 REJOICE in the Lord your God, for He has given the autumn rains because He is FAITHFUL. He sends you abundant showers, both autumn and spring rains, as before. The threshing floors will be filled with grain;
v. 24 the vats will OVERFLOW with new wine and oil. I WILL REPAY YOU FOR THE YEARS THE LOCUSTS HAVE EATEN —
v. 25 the great locust and the young locust, the other locusts and the locust swarm — My great army that I sent among you. You will have PLENTY to eat, until you are full,
v. 26a and you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked WONDERS for you;”

What have the locusts eaten in your life?
Perhaps a relationship lies in shambles, or you have experienced financial hardships? Perhaps the locusts have had their fill due to personal sin, or maybe the consequences of sin perpetrated by someone else? It may be that the locusts have decimated your hope, your innocence, your trust in God, or of other people, or your view of the Church body? Or perhaps the locusts have had their fill of causing destruction in your family?

Truth be told, ALL of the above mentioned have been “eaten” by the locusts in my life over the past three years. It has been hard… REALLY hard.

Locusts are not fun to talk about.  The destruction they leave behind is devastating and robs us of life. BUT our God is in the business of making us whole again and replacing what the locusts destroy.

In my life, if not for God, the locusts would have won. If not for God, I would be completely devastated, unable to be productive, to trust, to love, or to hope. I have clung tightly to this promise in Joel 2:24 for three years and can praise the name of the Lord because He has worked wonders for me and those I love.

God has given new life to me. Relationships have been restored and sin has been forgiven. The consequences of sin remain, but scars are healing and hope has returned. My trust in God, and trust in others, has been restored, along with stolen innocence.

My view of God’s Church, specifically through Grace Chapel and all of you women, has been redeemed and made whole. Even finances have made a comeback. God is rebuilding my family….better, bigger, and stronger with transparency and unconditional love!

Yes, the locusts took, but my God gave back in abundance. All praise to my faithful God who keeps His promises, not just to me, but also to you!

“What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights (and even the locusts!)
Are God’s mercies in disguise?”
-Blessings by Laura Story

Let us know how we can pray for you today. Our God is faithful.

By Rhonda Chambers
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