My boast in the Lord is that He has been faithful throughout my life and He is still faithful today!
I look back at my life and sometimes it feels like I have lived many lifetimes, with so many things learned throughout. As I reflect, seasonsis the word that comes to mind. I have experienced all four seasons. Seasons on the very top of the mountain, some in the valley, but many times a season in-between. Through them all, I have learned to pay attention to each season in my life, reminding myself to let God teach me the lessons needed in that given season.
When we experience things that are out of our control, fear can grip our hearts and do harm if we don’t squash it. In these moments, I think back to what Solomon said; nothing is new under the sun. When we keep this perspective, we realize that all of humanity has gone through the same things we go through generation after generation. It’s a reminder that in the end, we really have nothing to fear. God really does know what we are going through. He walks with us and guides us through each season when we ask Him. I have learned that in the end, our enduring or celebrating are all about our relationship with God. It’s about keeping Him the center of our lives and asking Him to guide us no matter where we are, keeping a laser focus on God and His promises for our lives.
Reflecting back on the years, there were times that were extremely hard; I wasn’t sure if I would make it through, but God gave me the supernatural strength to get through. In one particular season, I cried out to Him for clarity, understanding and comfort. There seemed no way out. For a while I really did think that there was no chance for things to be restored, let alone made new! In the end, the season did pass, I endured and miraculously, against all odds, God did make all things new. I am truly thankful for the lessons learned during that time. Would I have chosen this path for me and my family? Absolutely not! But I can say that God gave deep growth from it. God used it to refine me, teach me and prepare me for other tough seasons that will inevitably come again and also to help others in their winter seasons. I am so thankful for everything God has done for me and my family! I count myself blessed.
Today, I am not shy in sharing that I am in a summer season. I feel like I am on the mountaintop. This has been a season of joy. Our family is growing; marriages, kid’s getting established in life and grandkids; such a blessing! Do I deserve this? Did I earn this? Absolutely not! I recognize that God’s grace was sufficient for me in the hard seasons and His goodness and rest are to be celebrated and enjoyed in the good seasons. I have learned to see God’s hand moving in our lives at all times. I rejoice in this. I don’t want to take anything for granted, yet I am so thankful for the place God has me right now. I know in this season, God is showing me how to celebrate well, be content and rest in Him. Again, God is faithful!
Through it all, the valleys and the mountaintops; in Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, I have learned and am still learning more to trust the Lord. God needs to be the center, in every season of our lives. No matter what season you are in, remember that God is in control, He loves you, He sees you and He will walk with you as you stay faithful to walk with Him!
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