The Holy Spirit keeps bringing me back to these two parallel passages that I encountered again in my devotional time with Dr. John Soper.
I love the comparison that Luke presents for us between the Rich Young Ruler and Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector. I believe the Holy Spirit meant for us to look at these two men and see two very different choices about how to respond to the call of God.
The Rich Young Ruler was wealthy and, in his mind, had done everything right. For his entire life, he kept all the rules and commandments. He might have even connected his wealth and influence with his own efforts. There is almost an unspoken sense of pride in what he had and a disdain for others who were not as blessed and therefore, not as “good” as him.
He was clearly drawn to Christ and asked a good question, but when Jesus asked him to sacrifice, he walked away sad. He was seemingly unwilling to give up what he had really put his faith into; his own worth (pun intended).
We also can all too easily fall into this trap. When I reflect on my own life, I have to repent, sometimes daily, for slipping into the belief that I have earned any of what I am blessed with or that I am somehow better than those around me because I sometimes obey some stricter rules than they do. I am reminded that salvation and a changed heart through my own efforts are impossible.
Compare then the story of Zacchaeus, (not accidently it appears just a few verses later). Luke tells us he was the chief tax collector. Historical context reveals that a person in Zacchaeus' position was not only hated for their collaboration with Rome but also notoriously corrupt and abusive to those in their charge.
Zacchaeus was also drawn to Jesus, however, look how he responds when confronted by Christ. He doesn't brag about his wealth, power, or alleged good works. He knows he is a sinner. His only hope is in God himself. He shows that God has changed his heart and he demonstrates his repentance by repaying many times over what he had stolen. His good works are the overflow of a changed heart, not the way he earned his salvation.
I think this is the posture we should adopt. Jesus came to seek out our hearts and to change them because without Him, we too are lost. What an amazing Savior and one that I want to cling to, always. With God, all things are possible and our boast should always be in Him!
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