I am a “fixer”! And the moments when I’ve recognized that my peace is shaken are when I am faced with a prolonged personal or family struggle and it feels like there is no solution in sight for me to give.
Can anyone else relate to being a ‘fixer’? I find myself immediately trying to find a solution to all of the problems I encounter in my own life as well as the lives of those I deeply love.
However, when I’m faced with circumstances that aren’t that easy to ‘fix’ or find solutions to, feelings of hopelessness can start to creep in. But thank God, He has humbled me of this tendency many times over and makes me realize that true peace is not found in our own ways or circumstances, rather, it resides deep on the inside with Him.
True peace comes only from a heart and mind completely fixed and secured in Jesus, the Prince of Peace. To put our trust and gaze on Jesus isn’t a one-time decision, rather, it is a daily decision to remain fixed on, established upon and settled upon - the Lord.
Perfect peace comes by deciding to sink our roots into God, spending time in prayer, meditating on His word, walking in obedience and yielding to his Spirit at work within us no matter the circumstance.
I’ve heard it said before that, “true peace is being secure, and nothing is more secure than being intimately close to God.” To have this perfect peace, our mind cannot merely occasionally come to the Lord; rather it has to be stayed on Him.
It is so freeing to me that every single solution to the problems I face, are in the hands of our perfect Father, Rock and Savior.
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