Boast In The Lord January 7th, 2023
I have seen the Lord do miraculous things!
Yes, I’ve seen Him provide and show up and do all of those things that we always talk about as believers …
But right now I’m talking about…
-I have seen the Lord restore sight to a blind baby and heal him of cancer.
-I watched the Lord deliver my sister with a heroin addiction in an instant.
-I have seen Him provide the very sign an unbeliever asked for to prove He existed: He asked God, “I want to see a falling window and I’ll believe”. (the window fell!)
And yet, how many times have I grown weary, lost hope, and asked God if He’s even listening? Does He see me? Does He care? Is He there? Can He do it? It’s impossible!!!
Someone once asked me if I ever asked the Lord to show me (remind me of) the things He has already done for me; the ways he has moved in my life. The answered prayers I’d forgotten I had prayed for.
Truth was, I hadn’t! So I asked the Lord to show me what I had forgotten, what I had totally missed that He had done on my behalf.
It was like a veil had been lifted and suddenly I could see answered prayers, protection and provision He provided in circumstances I had thought He had forgotten me. But He hadn’t forgotten me nor left me. He was actually there going before me.
It’s through this journey I have learned that the Hope I have in Jesus surpasses what my eyes see and my emotions feel.
He is the God of the miraculous that I can see and touch and feel but He is also the God of the miraculous that I may never see because my eyes don’t always know where to look.
However, when I fix my eyes on Him; on knowing Him and His character and His truth, this reminds me that the God I serve is in the details. He has not forgotten and He is for me!
When I get weary, I remember that He is the one who hears me, holds me, remembers me and there is no exception to that. This is the place where my hope remains. When all seems impossible, I remember. He always has me and always will.
Yes, I’ve seen Him provide and show up and do all of those things that we always talk about as believers …
But right now I’m talking about…
-I have seen the Lord restore sight to a blind baby and heal him of cancer.
-I watched the Lord deliver my sister with a heroin addiction in an instant.
-I have seen Him provide the very sign an unbeliever asked for to prove He existed: He asked God, “I want to see a falling window and I’ll believe”. (the window fell!)
And yet, how many times have I grown weary, lost hope, and asked God if He’s even listening? Does He see me? Does He care? Is He there? Can He do it? It’s impossible!!!
Someone once asked me if I ever asked the Lord to show me (remind me of) the things He has already done for me; the ways he has moved in my life. The answered prayers I’d forgotten I had prayed for.
Truth was, I hadn’t! So I asked the Lord to show me what I had forgotten, what I had totally missed that He had done on my behalf.
It was like a veil had been lifted and suddenly I could see answered prayers, protection and provision He provided in circumstances I had thought He had forgotten me. But He hadn’t forgotten me nor left me. He was actually there going before me.
It’s through this journey I have learned that the Hope I have in Jesus surpasses what my eyes see and my emotions feel.
He is the God of the miraculous that I can see and touch and feel but He is also the God of the miraculous that I may never see because my eyes don’t always know where to look.
However, when I fix my eyes on Him; on knowing Him and His character and His truth, this reminds me that the God I serve is in the details. He has not forgotten and He is for me!
When I get weary, I remember that He is the one who hears me, holds me, remembers me and there is no exception to that. This is the place where my hope remains. When all seems impossible, I remember. He always has me and always will.
Posted in Boast In The Lord
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