I love these verses, and lately they have been a prayer that is deeply rooted in my heart.
How amazing is our God, that the elders and creatures sing this praise 24/7. For us, this is not a praise sung only in good moments or in moments when we are desperate, but one that we must declare all the time.
Our God is Holy. He is set apart and He deserves all the honor, all the glory just because He is. He is everything. He created us to worship and dwell in this deep intimate relationship with Him.
There have been times in my faith that I only focused on the “friend” part of God. I hyper-focused that God loves me and that He is my friend, so that in many ways I only treated Him like a friend. I became too casual with God in that I lost focus on the holiness and reverence of our Lord.
Total praise is not only honoring and glorifying to God, but it is humbling for us. To acknowledge God as set apart and worthy of praise, always reveals to me that who I am on my own is not enough and needs something much greater than myself. This is the beauty of our God.
God is the Creator of all things and is omnipotent yet He desires our hearts. The least we can do is give Him the honor and praise He deserves. And when we do this it brings joy and peace like no other. When I actually stop, become present with God, and declare these things to God, it feels like I’m in another dimension. My Spirit is filled and I feel more alive than ever!
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