This Bible verse is precious to me in this season of my life. You see, I have a herniated disc in my back causing leg pain and making me pretty immobile for over a month now. Many people who are praying for me also feel as I do, that God is sending healing my way; it’s just the timing that is uncertain.
So, what do I do? As I sense God’s healing heart towards me, I pray, “I believe, Lord. Help my unbelief.” I know in my mind that everything God does for us is meant to give Him the glory so I agree with Him that He would get all the glory through this trial in my life. I share with my prayer group, friends & family and they join me in praying for healing and that God would use this for good in my life & for my growth in Him.
The pain continues and I must learn to take my thoughts captive to the truth of what God is doing in my life and not succumb to fear, anxiety or disappointment in missing out on so many special times with family & friends during the holiday season. When I’m discouraged, I look back and see God’s hand in every phase of this trial. He got me the right doctors at just the right time with the right prescriptions.
Then I have to set my will to try to be positive and be grateful for all the fullness I still have in Jesus, in spite of my inability to drive or walk for any extended period of time. After all, my family, especially my husband Tom, has been so faithful to meet all my needs and God gives me an encouraging word as I need it. And…since I can sit with no pain, I’ve gone through piles on my desk, completed tasks the Spirit’s been prompting for months, and I pray more.
It seems that God wants to quiet my lifestyle that too often is ruled by the “tyranny of the urgent” or a need to make things “perfect”. He wants from me a greater commitment in prayer and to be patient in my affliction and joyful as the healing comes in His perfect timing.
I realize once again, that He has given me all I need in Christ Jesus. He has given me the Body of Christ to pray for me, His Word to speak life into my heart and His Holy Spirit to indwell me, strengthen me and lead me into all truth.
We certainly are a blessed people!
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