I chose Proverbs because I love how this book provides such practical wisdom for our everyday lives.
James and I met in high-school and were married at a very young age. We came from extremely different backgrounds. I grew up in the church and came to faith at 8 years of age. He grew up in a non-churched environment and came to faith independently as a teenager. We had little to nothing in common and share very different testimonies.
However, even though we started our walks with the Lord at different ages, different ways with differing experiences, God clearly established our steps along the way and saw fit for us to join and journey this life together.
In this journey that we have shared together for almost 31 years, we have encountered a variety of circumstances; failures, successes, pain, healing, sorrows and victories. We have seen, felt and lived it all! We have made lifelong friendships that we will cherish until eternity, and have cut ties with unhealthy connections when necessary. Through every bit of it, I can tell you with confidence that I have seen God’s hand over our lives at every turn. I am so thankful for God’s provision in my life, my family and over our church.
Throughout our years of living, everyone of us will endure the ups and downs, bumps and detours along this road of life. It’s easy to feel alone or think that God is forgetting about you, but that is never the case. When you root yourself in the Lord, He is with you along that journey. He is shaping you. He is establishing you. He is faithful to you!
God is my Father and He establishes my steps. When I am doing well and everything seems to be going as planned, I easily can see God’s hand over me. When I am struggling or make wrong decisions, I have to stop and choose to see God as He open doors, make provisions and heals what is broken. When I want to give in to the impossible, God establishes possibility.
God has been so consistent throughout the years. Sometimes I just needed to take a step back and reflect on what He has done to remind myself that He knows what He is doing.
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