Our lives aren’t always going to be the glamorous, filtered, perfectly lit, or highlight reels that social media and the world would like us to believe. You know as well as I do, there are going to be moments and seasons in our lives where we feel like we have been thrown into the “fiery furnace”.
How we respond to those moments may not always determine the outcome, but will determine the way that we experience those seasons. I love this story because we know how it ends, but in that moment, they were prepared for whatever outcome the Lord would allow.
I’m sure that they were probably scared. But their fear did not deter them from practicing their beliefs. I’m sure they understood that it would have been easier to just bow. But they didn’t allow the temptation of taking the easy way out, to sway them in to giving up their integrity.
Because of their integrity and because of their held beliefs, they had an encounter with the God of the impossible. Their faith may or may not have determined their life-outcome in the furnace. But whether they saw the hand of God move before being thrown in the fire, while being in the fire, or even if God would have brought them eternally home to be with Him, they stood firm in their belief that He was always with them.
So whatever season you find yourself in today, remember who’s you are, and know that even if He doesn’t save you in the way that you would expect to see, He is walking with you before, in, through and after the fire.
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