Reading Bible verses and applying them in our lives are often two different things! Taking the Ephesians verse from our heads to our hearts was essential in addressing a family issue in the only way it could have been solved – via God’s grace and extending Christ’s forgiveness given to us to others.
Many of us have intra-family struggles that often arise when families merge through marriage. In other situations, day to day challenges occur within existing families. It’s often hard enough for couples themselves, but the added complexity of extended family relationships can create new struggles as different backgrounds and experiences come together. Even the best of intentions outside of God’s grace can be a challenge.
In our instance, new relationships in our family resulted in some tensions that festered over time. As time progressed, the possibility of resolution seemed remote as attitudes hardened.
Being from Ohio, we referenced our state motto – “With God, all things are possible”, and sought His wisdom for a way forward towards reconciliation and healing.
As the head of the family, I sought wise counsel to find a resolution. In seeking Godly guidance, we were able to be exposed to a ministry called “Peacemakers” which specialized in solving complex relational issues using a Biblical framework. After reviewing the program, it was clear that an opportunity for reconciliation was possible.
Our prayer was that all involved would invest in a 6-week set of training classes as foundational skills for an in-person conversation. We prayed. Thankfully, all parties offered to participate. We all studied and checked in as all involved completed their tasks in preparation.
After completing our prep, we gathered together in person with the hope that we could move past the challenges between the parties. The preparation had tilled the field – people were ripe for reconciliation . . . but we still needed to apply our Peacemaker training. Our four-hour session commenced.
Four years later, we stand amazed at God’s grace which resolved this situation. The loving bonds between even those with the strongest feelings are a delight to witness. We are so thankful those involved have extended the grace to each other that Christ has shown to us.
Not only the best way to address these issues, like all things Jesus – the Only Way!
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